Let's get acquainted further with the Calories of food and how it works!

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We often hear the word "calorie food", isn't it? Always just popped a question like, "how many calories in this food" or "how many calories burned doing jogging 30 minutes?" But what the heck actually calories it? As well as how many calories actually needed by the body?

Let's get acquainted further with the Calories of food and how it works!
Let's get acquainted further with the Calories of food and how it works!

Calories is one way to take notes on the energy needs of our body. Measure the energy intake is ideally balanced with what we spend. If we get more energy intake than we burn, then that excess is stored as fat in the body's cells and this is what makes the increase of weight. As well as the converse, when we burn more energy than the intake then it happens is body weight would be decreases. That is why it is necessary to calculate the amount of energy we consume and we wear. The unit is used that is called with the calories.

The definition of a calorie
The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water to 1 degrees Celsius is the definition. Then any that we consume has a count or measure of how much energy is owned by the chemical bonding in food. The energy is released as we digest it and stored in another molecule that will be used when the body needs it.

This energy is utilized in three ways by our body – about 10% of which is used for digestion, 20% for physical activity, and approximately 70% to support the basic functions of various organs and tissues of the body. The average woman needs about 2000 calories and men as much as 2500 calories per day. This estimation is based also on factors such as average weight, physical activity, and muscle mass. However we can not necessarily be directly consumed up to that much in one time.

Different for example, when we do a very heavy physical activity such as athletes, that even require up to four or five times as much food per day caloric needs for example. The other is the case also with pregnant women who also requires more calories or fewer seniors because the system according to already slowing down.

Caloric intake is technically
Interestingly, count calories on nutrition labels on its products only measure how much energy is conceived by the food and not how much energy we will get. Fibrous foods such as vegetable or wheat requires more energy to digest, so it could be we just get less energy. An example is the levels of 100-calorie food which is fibrous vegetables when compared to 100 calories of food from the potato chips.

There are also other variables that are present in foods, such as protein or other beneficial nutrients. Because when you just pick food-calorie complete nutrition without, it could be we will only fatten the Agency only and the body of the can-can to nutrient deficiencies. Complexity again, so everyone could also get a different amount of energy from the same food. This could be due to the difference in the level of enzymes in the body, the amount of bacteria in the digestive tract, up to the size of the intestines are different.

That's a bit of a story about calories and how it works. In the end the best course is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and choosing healthier foods with sufficient nutrients. Among which can be found in the dipiliha section of the cookbook What today is a must to try. Don't forget also to read the various other articles that tell you matter of life or healthy foods – such as low-calorie Cuisine 5 glut. Happy adventure with a healthy life!

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