Learn about the different parts of the Tuna and the pleasures of Eating Sushi will be increasingly Essential

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Speaking of sushi or sashimi, definitely not going to loose connection with tuna. Although the most common, but this one has a fish in its own complexity question of texture or taste. Moreover, because of the higher demand, some particular piece of tuna is increasingly rare. Let's learn what-what to order when we are going to Japan on the next occasion!

Learn about the different parts of the Tuna and the pleasures of Eating Sushi will be increasingly Essential
Learn about the different parts of the Tuna and the pleasures of Eating Sushi will be increasingly Essential

Literally is a red meat but its use specifically for the fish. There is also a refer to it as "maguro". When used on sushi or sashimi, then usually directly associated with tuna. Akami is part of the tuna are the most commonly used and its availability is almost certainly there is always in any sushi restaurant.

The colour red blushes, not fatty and contain muscles. In a sense it is indeed simple yet so profound, so sometimes this fish enthusiasts prefer this section rather than the more expensive pieces.

This section is located between akami, located on the back of tuna, and fatty otoro most parts in the stomach. This is the second most expensive piece of tuna after the otoro. Uniquely, it is only in the part that we can enjoy the balance between akami and otoro.

Akami flavor still feels here, however, the presence of fat makes it taste sweeter. Although prices are still relatively expensive, but so many people favored chutoro and demand is very high.

Here's the most expensive tuna fish and uniquely, not Japan mengonsumsinya person in the past. When it is known that this section is the finest, then the demand will be high and the otoro automatic price becomes expensive. A little hard to find in any restaurant Japan otoro, since generally only restaurant fine dining standard commonly provide it.

In appearance, the otoro pink with white stripes. It tastes rich and soft texture make it melted when it enjoyed. Ideally, the otoro enjoyed later after some of the fish in the sushi taste lighter.

With a little knowledge of it, of course we will not hesitate to mention when ordering sushi or sashimi use tuna fish. After a little bit of a lot of saving up for treats your beloved family, we can now offer also the part that is best for them. Guaranteed surely all will taste delicious surprise! She cried again, make this knowledge as capital for menyemangatimu started making sushi yourself at home!

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