Kombucha is the trend of the present that need You Know

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Although it has the same writing, however kombucha is known by the world is tea through fermentation process using SCOBY. It's just that in Japan, kombucha is tea brewed from dried kelp (kombu) and not any fermentation occurs in it. What is up with this?

Kombucha is the trend of the present that need You Know
Kombucha is the trend of the present that need You Know

SCOBY is an abbreviation of symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. Its such a large round yeast is a mast containing bacteria and yeast that is believed to be beneficial to the body. Nevertheless, it is still considered a kombucha drink alternative health because manfaat-manfaatnya is still not fully tested clinically, even in some cases precisely happened is the opposite.

But it's good to know what is actually true and what started this trend. Yuk, refer to the following!

The origin of the
It is predicted the appearance of the kombucha happened about 200 years ago. There are at least note that kombucha is consumed around the 1900s in the eastern part of Russia or territory of Manchuria. In the 21st century is this, konsumsinya grew considerably in the United States and trennya began to explore different parts of the world including Indonesia. Now it is increasingly easy to find it anywhere. There is a make it yourself at home, sell it in no small sense, or in the form of bottled produced in industrial scale.

As already mentioned at the beginning, the meaning of kombucha for this one is indeed less precise usage seems to many users all over the world of amun already perceive it as such. In addition, the drink is also often referred to as "tea mushroom", a mention of which is also less precise only because many consider SCOBY as the fungus because of its shape. In various other countries even mention the more diverse, such examples are teeschwamm, wunderpilz, hongo, teekwass, fungus japonicus, cajnij, tschambucco, kwassan, haipao, kargasok tea, spumonto, and much more.

The process of making
Often, a tea selected for making kombucha tea is black or green tea. There are also some circles who are trying with oolong tea. It's just that, selection of tea depends also from the budget and specialization of each of its producers. Then on the tea that is brewed this added sugar, yeast, and bacteria and then left fermented for at least a week.

After a week, then it is making this a SCOBY and commonly used in tea fermentation process for the next batch. This fermentation produces acetic acid or similar to those commonly found in vinegar. Because this process there are levels of alcohol on kombucha. Then, there are also deposits of gas that makes the drink is carbonated.

The claims of health benefits
The main objective for the pengonsumsinya in enjoy kombucha is benefits-the health benefits it brings. Kombucha probiotic bacteria-rich is already wreaking much avail, especially when brewed green tea which itself is already very nutritious. Thus, the kombucha has high antioxidant and has been tested in mice. The result is said to detoxify the liver section content is reduced quite drastically. It's just that, up to this point have not found similar studies that tested in humans.

In addition because the content of acetic acid, kombucha is believed to be able to kill the bacteria that are not good for the body. Other benefits are such as reducing risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. Nevertheless, kombucha can also be at risk for your health contaminated already or SCOBY when the fermentation process is too excessive. In addition there is the alcohol content in it as well as the amount of sugar that can be overwhelming.

Thus, the kombucha is a trend that still need further study whether should've either for consumption or not. What's more, there are still many other fermented food choices we can enjoy for maintaining the health of the body. At least from here, we can be encouraged to explore looking for healthy cooking recipes-recipe and live life more bring benefits for the body.

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