Recognize the difference between green tea and a variety of other types of

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Green tea, which we mentioned when ordering tea at a restaurant or buy from the supermarket. But apparently the world of tea is not limited to that alone. There are still many other types such as black tea, white tea, and oolong tea pu'er tea. Even when encountered again, many more derivatives. But what is the difference between true colors mentioned above? Tim MAHI will expose it here!

Recognize the difference between green tea and a variety of other types of
Recognize the difference between green tea and a variety of other types of

The difference from the mention of the tea is actually not just a color. That actually happens is post production process that are specific of each type of tea. Tea plant itself is derived from a variant of the same and this is what produces a wide variety of tea that we mentioned earlier. In contrast to the term herbal tea or tisane that actually come from different plants such as herbs, flowers, or leaves of fruit trees and herbs. This herbal tea can also use original tea leaves so called as the infusion and this generates different flavors.

And then there is a process called oxidation. This is the process that makes the colour of the tea is changing and it seemed to have the characteristics of each. Oxidation occurs when enzymes in the leaves of the tea interact with oxygen after his cell wall began to crumble. This happens due to a process such as the overthrow, cutting, and grinding. Examples of simple it is like an Apple that had been cropped, then he will be oxidized and changed its color. As a tea, it turns out that the involvement of oxidation can be different responses. This is what distinguishes black teas, green, and others. Let's see the next story!

Black Tea

This is the most famous tea in the world and this special tea through the oxidation process to the maximum. The result is a concentrated tea flavor and dark colored. Black tea usually has the sense of characters such as dates, raisins, and dark chocolate. As well as in terms of caffeine also turned out to be the highest among the other tea types. Famous examples are the English Breakfast, Darjeeling and Earl Grey, who has a unique citrus bergamot.

Green Tea

It could be that green tea is the most popular currently in the world. How does? Its product range is now berjejeran in the supermarket and nearly all restaurants have a selection of drinks. In the process, green teas only through the drying process and routing only. The process of oxidation is prevented by means of heating the leaves of the tea. The result is a flavor of tea that has many characters. The example that is used everyday is Sencha and Matcha, Houjicha also in addition, Gyokuro, Genmaicha, as well.

White Tea

Generally this type of tea comes from China and is famous because it feels soft. Because it uses only the tops of the youngest tea leaves and the post-production process is very minimal, so white tea is one of the most expensive in the world. Leaves that have been harvested and then dried and no proceedings of any kind. Some of the famous type is the type of Pai Mu Tan or Bai Mudan, Silver Needle, as well as Shoumei.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is usually have gone through the process of oxidation and semi-taken from tea leaves are older and rather large-sized. After being picked, the tea leaves are dried first, then rolled or made into various shapes. Next the leaves are oxidized, but two processes this can happen a few times until the tea has different taste characteristics. One of the most famous is the kind of Tieguanyin and Da Hong Pao.

Pu'er tea

Also written with the name of Pu-erh tea, using the method of post production and storage of different resulting in a unique sense. In addition to the pu'er tea is oxidized, also experienced the process of fermentation and this was not done on other tea. Interestingly, this tea is only produced in Yunnan province in Southwest China.

So a little bit of many different types of tea that we can enjoy daily now. The price is so varied and the taste is also diverse. Even not only this, there are also other types of tea that actually comes not from tea leaves though called by the same name. Mari, we exploration again our love towards this drink and starts adventuring with a variety of new things!

A Merry World Of Tea!

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