Origin of the Salmon To Become your favorite Sushi and Sashimi

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Believe it or not, the salmon as sushi toppings have never known previous to the year 1995. Even though the sushi or sashimi are well known far long before, though it may be new in Japan and the United States. Surprisingly, salmon sushi that is now booming across the world, is not the original initiative of the people of Japan. Well, how does his story?

Origin of the Salmon To Become your favorite Sushi and Sashimi
Origin of the Salmon To Become your favorite Sushi and Sashimi

The origin of the
The story begins as the 1970s when industrial fisheries Norway experienced rapid progress. Fish farming in the Ocean off has been successfully developed and the result is excess production of surplus fish. Unfortunately, the market sales of salmon in the world still very small at that time and the Government of Norway had to rotate the brain to solve this problem.

Meanwhile, there was a great culinary diplomacy in Norway's Embassy in Tokyo in 1985. Some guests Japan apparently love raw salmon used in their traditional cuisine. An experiment that has made Norway the Government are keen to develop this market in the future for Japan. This project dinamana Project Japan.

Is a Bjørn Eirik Olsen, fishery market researcher who works for Norway's Embassy in Tokyo who was commissioned to develop the project further. Earlier, Norway's only selling shrimp and herring to Sakura and now, the time of salmon to shine!

A long struggle
Japan Society is very traditional and sensitive matter of culinary affair certainly is not easy to be reassured. They are accustomed to consuming this type of local seafood and salmon sounds so foreign. Especially when it's the middle of the lively Center of Pacific salmon are not safe for health.

Orange color which becomes the specificity of these fish as well as the form and it did not manage to convince importers seafood there. Although Bjorn and local staff of the local Japan has managed to make the formulation of marketing for middle to upper segments, these challenges should they undergo at least for 10 years until the public finally convinced.

One way is by approaching the chef in Japan. Chef Yutaka "The Iron Chef" Ishinabe, one of the celebrity chef at the time was hounded the first time. When the chef starts can promote a variety of advantages, of course this will increase the confidence of the market in products that are considered to be still unfamiliar at the time.

The golden era of Japan's economy
80s and 90s was a golden moments for the economy of Japan, and this period is often referred to as the "bubble economy". Of course we still remember with a number of electronic and automotive products Japan that flood world markets. That is when the people of Japan seems to be rich and their consumption culture changed drastically. The workers have already begun abandon their traditional lunch Lunchbox and enjoy lunch in the restaurant.

After a long struggle for 10 years to convince the many parties, eventually the Government of Norway is teaming up with the exporter of the fish makes a highly efficient logistics route toward Japan. The goal is to make the fish arrived in Sakura no more than 35 hours since leaving penangkarannya. As a result, in the year 2016 only Japan is already importing at least 34.000 tons of salmon from Norway worth 274 million euros! A fishing industry achievements that will make anyone in awe.

Salmon, riwayatmu kini
Citizens of Japan like the original Norway salmon which is increasingly growing day. Norway is now developing some new special menumbuhkembangkan breeding of salmon in more slowly so that the higher fat levels. This is a quality that is sought by Japan market today.

But that should be recognized by all of us is the success of this terinfusi fish influence in Japan's culinary and has now been spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. Not be denied again if the original sushi and sashimi enthusiasts Indonesia prefer salmon compared to other types of traditional Japan other fish.

It could be a successful Japan is promoting this culinary culture to the rest of the world, but the world also needs to know that the origin of salmon in its use in Japan dishes thus comes from Norway. A culinary diplomacy results, marketing techniques and fishing are a great success!

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